Monday, December 6, 2010

Science Study Guide

  1. Explain why an ice cube is a solid.

2.  Which of the three states of matter cannot hold its shape volume?


3.  What three stages of matter are shown in this diagram?

4. What change will occur to the ice cube if they are placed into the boiling water?

5.  Water vapor is an invisible gas. What is steam?

6.  Suppose you are taking a hot bath. You notice that the mirror in the bathroom has water on it. How dod you think the water got there?


7.  How are clouds made?

8.  How does the surface temperature affect the type of precipitation that lands on the ground? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

9.  What kind of precipitation is shown in this picture?

10.  What are some things that can happen to water after it falls back to the ground?

11.  What role does the Sun have in the water cycle?  What does it do to the water?

12.  How can rain become part of the water cycle again?

13.  What can you measure with a barometer?

14.  What two instruments can you use to study wind?

15. What instrument measures the amount of rain that falls?

16.  How is precipitation often shown on a weather map?

17.  What symbols are used to show where fronts are?

18.  How are weather and climate different?

19.  You are given a weather map in order to help you predict the weather in your area.  There is an L over your city.  What does the L stand for and what kind of weather can you expect?

20.  A friend says that tomorrow it is going to be rainy.  Is the friend talking about the weather or the climate?  Explain your answer.

21.  What can weather maps show?

Matter             Temperature                Water Cycle                 Evaporation                  Condensation
Precipitation    Meteorologist              Thermometer               Air Pressure                 Barometer
Rain Gauge       Wind Vane                    Anemometer                 Front                            Air Mass
Climate             Weather

                                               IIdentify the symbols on this weather map.       

Social Studies Study Guide

Exploration in North America:

Vocabulary/Unit Terms:  Columbian Exchange, causeway, conquistador, astrolabe

1.  What was the major accomplishment of each of the following explorers and who funded their explorations?

  • Ponce de Leon: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Vasco Balboa ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Jacques Cartier ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Henry Hudson ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1.  What were negative affects did Europeans had on Native Americans?

2.  What positive influence did the Native Americans have on the Europeans?

4.  Why did explorers look for a Northwest passage?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*Be prepared to explain the most important results of European exploration in the 1400’s and the 1500’s.

European Settlements:

Vocabulary:  Armada, Charter, Mayflower Compact and Tolerance

1.  How did the Virginia Company raise money to buy ships and supplies to start a settlement in North America? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________ is also known as the “Lost Colony”, because when _______________ returned from England the colonist had ___________.

3. ____________ was the first successful English settlement in America.

4.  ________________ was the leader of Jamestown.

5. Compare and Contrast the motivations to leave England for the Puritans and Pilgrims?

New England Colonies: pgs. 159 - 179

Vocabulary:  Growing Season, Town Meeting, Dissenter, Industry, free market economy, legislature, representative, treaty, indentured servant, and artisan

1.  How did the climate and geography affect life in the 13 colonies?

2.  What beliefs did Thomas Hooker, Anne Hutchison, William Penn have in common?

3.  ________________ was a dissenter who wanted more _________ __________.

4.  Why was the Atlantic Trade route known as the Triangular Trade route?

5.  Why did the Middle Colonies have such a diverse population?

6.  The colonies of New York and New Jersey were once part of _______ _______________.

7.  What was the main reason James Oglethorpe founded the colony of Georgia?______________________________________________

8.  What famous citizen of Philadelphia wrote “Poor Richards Almanac”?

9.  What colony had the largest population of enslaved people? ___________________________________________________

10.  What knowledge did enslaved Africans brink to South Carolina and Georgia?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Homework: Are You A Pilgrim or a Puritan?

We have been studying the development of Colonial America in Social Studies and have recently learned to identify the similarities and differences between Pilgrims and Puritans and the Church of England.  Consider if you will...Are their laws or rules that you are forced/asked to follow, that you don't neccessarily agree with or think are fair?  Consider the rules at home, the rules at school and laws of our counrtry or another?  After cosideration...Ask yourself...Am I a Pilgrim (I want to leave) or a Puritan (I want to make it better)...Am I so against these rules that I would become a dissenter? Or maybe its best I just stay quiet and follow the rules so that I am not banished...Think on this Fabulous Fourth Graders and discuss...

Ms. Butler

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Go?

1.  What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider and discuss what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.

2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?

*Write your response a blog post.  Leave a comment on this post telling me when you have published your post. **20 points possible**

Write a paragraph (6 sentences) response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit. This will be your first blog post.