Sunday, November 28, 2010

Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Go?

1.  What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider and discuss what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.

2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?

*Write your response a blog post.  Leave a comment on this post telling me when you have published your post. **20 points possible**

Write a paragraph (6 sentences) response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit. This will be your first blog post.


  1. I love my fourth grade class.
    -Ms. Butler

  2. I think that imegrents come to America because they need jobs and money to help their family.Sometimes when they come to America they can gain money and a job.Sometimes they can loose things like their cuture and homes.

    If I were an imegrent I would move to a different country because I would want freedome and money.

    - Hope

  3. 1. They could loose friends. They would probably not be able to see them a lot. They may gain better freedom and more money for their family.

    2. I would move for freedom probably. I would want freedom of speech.

    -Thomas Anderson

  4. Immigrants come here for chances.They can get more money.This chance for more money means better education,clothing, more food.They can not get traditional food and they might miss friends and other family that did not come.They could miss alot of things from home,but they could get better things like better schools,food,and clothing.there is still more chances. I would do for both economic reasons and for freedom.The money would be better.I could get a job.I would also go for freedom.There would be jobs for very body.That would be why I would come. -Mina

  5. They come here for many things such as money freedom and education. Many immagrints didn't get a good education from their home country so they come to the United States for a better one. A good amount of immagrints come here for jobs or money. They probaly have a family and their old job didn't pay enough. A lot of immagrintscome here for freedom. They just want to have more things to do without going to jail.
    I would go for both reasons. I want to have freedom and have a good economy. If I had to choose one I probaly would have choosen freedom because freedom is very immportant to me but other wise I would have done it for both reasons. The reason I would have gone for economic reasons is because right now our economy is bad and I feel like it could be better some place else. Another reason is because there might be more jobs.

  6. Immigrants come here because of alot of reasons. They come here to gain money, jobs, better clothing, better houses. Some of them come for school and education. Alot of them might loose friends, food that they are used to eating, and mostly family. That is why I think that immigrants should come to America for a better life to live.

    If I were an European that wanted to move to the British colonies I would come for economis reasons and for freedom. I would come for economic reasons because I would like to have money to live a life. I would come for freedom because I would not like to be ruled by anybody. I would like to live my own life

    -Sana'a G.

  7. I think that the imagrants come to America to start a new life. They could have posibly had a troubled life before. Maybe they had a great oppurtunity for a job. They could of even lived in a non-free coutry, and they moved for freedom. They probably left their own family just to get here for a new life. But a good thing is, there might have not been enough jobs where they lived.

  8. I would move for freeedom. I would do that because it would not be a fun life if I where being ruled by someone else!!! I would want to be free. ----Carly

  9. i think that what motivates imagrents to go to a diffrent country is becuse they probaly would like to get a better job and they probaly think that it is a better chance for them to live thier dream. i think they would gain happiness and they would lose thing like thier culture probaly family that lives there in thier country friends that live in thier country

    ------ Yanni

  10. 1.I believe that if a imagrant moved to a new country they would lose and gain lots of things. They would lose thier cultre and thier family from the country that they were moving from. They would gain a new language.2.If I was a imagrant I would move for economic reasons. I would move for economic reasons because my country that I am moving from would probably have lots of earthquakes.


  11. They would well you no probaly lose alot of money.It would most likley be very hard to uh well get a job. If they geta job they just might get alot of money from the job.They might be able to uh go to a better school.

    I believe in freedom so if I had a chance to move to freedom I really I mean it would. So If you want freedom well I you really do come on and move to freedom.

  12. -Murphy's is where the arrow ponts ^

  13. 1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider and discuss what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.

    2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?

    *Write your response a blog post. Leave a comment on this post telling me when you have published your post. **20 points possible**

    Write a paragraph (6 sentences) response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit. This will be your first blog post.

  14. I wood move away for freedom and to meet meet new people and new culture.This cind of life wood be grate!I wood love to live in a free country!

  15. 1.I think what motivates them is the jobs that they offer and the freedom.They would also go there because they could have a free religon.(:

    2.If I was an imagrant then I would move there because I could have a free religon. I would also go there for freedom. AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I would go there for their jobs.

  16. What I think motavates imagrants to come to the U.S is that we have more resorses than they do.When they come they just want to stay because they probaly think its safer from where they came from.

  17. 1.I think what motivates them is the jobs that they offer and the freedom.They would also go there because they could have a free religon.(:

    2.If I was an imagrant then I would move there because I could have a free religon. I would also go there for freedom. AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I would go there for their jobs.


  18. 1.Imigrants come to the U.S.A for chances,money, food,and better education.They probibly have little friends and family.2.If i were to imigrate somewhere i would imigrate for economic resons, because almost every country or state i have been to had a problem.I think of my self as one of them,an imigrant because i was born in the U.S.A.I was born on a little island called SAINT LUCIA,so i had to learn from you people.(It was just a little bit hard.) -SIENNA

  19. I think that imagrants are motivated to move because they might have a bad life in their old country. They were motivated to come here because they might think that their life would be better here in the U.S.A. They might think that they could find something that would make them happy.

    If I were an imagrant I would come to the U.S.A. so I could earn money. Iwould do this so my children and my family could have a better life. Although I may have some strugles it would be a better life. If I could earn more money I could buy more things. Iwould be more happy. I would enjoy life more.

  20. Thomas I agree with you.I would like the fact that I could speak too.

    - Hope

  21. Hey uh Kevin how you a doing well I just wanted to a say that your post is very interactive.It's well ya know interesting and kinda fun to read.Oh and you want to come Leap in Lizards.Okay! Blog back.

  22. Harison, I agree with you very much!!! I do not believe in ruling others! Everyone should be free! P.S You spell kind with a K not a C! P.S.S You spell great like that!-CArly

  23. Yanni,I think it is differnt. Some people imagrate to esape troble in there own contery.For example:war money or even econome.

  24. Jacab, you did a really good job. keeb bloging.

  25. Hope I think it is differnt. Some people imagrate to esape troble in there own contery.For example:war money or even econome.

  26. Tamos you did a really good job. keeb bloging esepte for the fact they will allways make new friends

  27. 1. I think that it is fair to let people move in from a different country. It isn't fair not to let someone in just because they don't live here. Immigrants come to start a new life and it's not fair not to let them.

    2. I would come for freedom. I know that money is important but I think freedom is just a little more important. I mean like if you had all the money in the world, that would be fun but also you were a slave. That is what I think. Blog Back.

    - Addie

  28. Sorry thamos I spelled your name wrong

  29. Sienna,
    I think that you are right and it probably was hard and I think you did a good job. :)


  30. keeeeeevin!this is noy Facebook

  31. kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  32. I can't say how excellent your's was because of how good it was.


  33. I meant to say that for Thomas's


  34. Who said Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

  35. I think it would be good for a imagrant to come to the U.S.A.. The things they would lose is their home. But, they would get a better job. Also get more money. My teacher Ms.butler told me about my old teachers student migrated from somewhere. Feel free to write me back.

    If I was an imagrant I would move for fradom and money to help myself. My family would be happy for me. I would buy more food for my family and clothes. If people would make fun of me because I'm from a different country just ignore them. thats what i would do if I was a imagrant.


  36. Adison,

    I think you are right, I agree.



  37. Jaden I think yours is great,I just can't tell if it awesome or awesome.

  38. THe one above was sent by Elizabeth

  39. Jaden,
    Thanks I think that yours was good too.
    -Addie :)

  40. Libby,
    I think yours was great. Blog Me.

    -Addie :)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I would do the same kevin.Free religen sounds grate!

  43. Sorry misspelled religion and great.

  44. Addie,

    thanks for reading mine i tried my best!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. me to Thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  47. Hey Hope!! I really liked yours!! Elizabeth you forgot to put your name again that is really funny. Oh, Elizabeth and I liked yours. It was real written.:) Thomas thank you for likeing mine. I like yours to it is real explined.
    Kevin I cannot believe you thought it was like Facebook whoever bloged that is funnnnnnyyyyyyy~!!! Where is Jordan???

    -Sana'a G.

    P.S. What is URL?????

  48. I think that what moths imgts because it is better they have a better chance in getting th job that they want & probably better 4 there pay. Jordan :P

  49. I think that imagrants come to the U.S.A sothey can find a better life. They could come because they were trying to forget about something sad that could have happened in their life. I also think that imagrants could lose their friends and family. But they could also gain new friends and better jobs. Imagrants can also gain better ideas. They could gain better ideas because the people from the new country can inspire them.

    If I were an imagrant I would move for money. If I could earn more money I could give a better life to my family. I could even have a better time with my friends. If I were to have more money I could make a lot of people happy. It would be a better life.


  50. Jaden,
    I really liked yours. I like how you had good resoning and you explained it very good!!!!!!!:)


  51. Mina,
    I think yours was really good and creative!!! :)


  52. Everybosy post was awesome:o

  53. Tyeler i aggree with you on every part. -michael

  54. I really liked yours mina -michael

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Tyler, I agree with you it means alot to me because as i said before i am an imigrant.Imigrants probley do loose their family. -Sienna B. Joseph

  57. Hello is any one where

  58. ow!Hey Tyler didn't see ya there.

  59. PS. YOU want to come over this weekend?-Murphy

  60. Come on pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssse answer me!-Murphy

  61. I mean it come on I said I've been waiting for like 40 minutes.

  62. Ms.Butler why is there not a new blog.-Murphy

  63. ug! Why isn't anybody answering I really want to talk.-Murphy

  64. helllo anybody here i dont know if u blog the 1st or 2nd assighment


  65. well im just gonna answer both


  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Thomas,
    I would be in the Rhode Island colony.

  69. addie i relly liked yours. -michael

  70. Heres my answer to your question Thomas .A. Virginia because there is lots of historic sightings.


  71. i think i would move becuse an freedom reason becuse i wouldnt like if i was working doing my bisness earning my money for my family then some ueropean or british pearson or people came and started ruling your country city or state and said woman have to work at home all day i would be pretty upset becuase i use to work to work with pay and now i work at home without pay and all the men do the work and you cant vote that is my reason why i would move for freedom


  72. Oh and thanks for the comment Sienna


  73. i cant find the question ms.butler?????


  74. All of the responses where great.I hope we get another question tomarow!

  75. ikn right i just answered both


  76. ms. butler ms redel told us that ryan was sick tell her i hope she gets well soon


  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. M.S Butler, what was our assiment for homework? I can't find what it is!!!-Carly

  80. Ms.Butler where is the post!!!

  81. Oh my goooooooooooddddddddd!

  82. I guess I would move to North Carolina because of how good it looks. One thing that I really like though is the beautiful lakes. I also love the trees and forests.

  83. the one above was Jacob

  84. Where is Ms.Butlers post?Its should be posted by now.

    - Hope

  85. Yeah Where is it!!!

    -addie :)

  86. Where is Ms.Butler's post it should be up by now? Maybe she is still not home. But she should be home by now.

    -Sana'a :)

  87. whats are homework -michael

  88. Would rather be in georgia because i would like to know more about my sate. Also it's one of the 13 colonies. I know about jamestown and John smith. But, I want to know more. I hope some of you chose Georgia because I would like to read it. So blog me back. I know it's late and I know nobody will but, bye!!!!!




  90. I agree with your comment about Mina's Katie.




  92. Is Ms. Butler gonna post it or not?!?!?!?

    -Addie Schultz :) :) :) :)

  93. Where is ms. butlers post? I don't see it.


  94. Have any of you guys found the post M.S Butler was SUPPOSED to put up???!!!-Carly

  95. P.S nether do I Katie.-Carly

  96. M.S Butler where is that post?!?!

  97. I agree with whoever said north carolina


  99. Kevin stop saying stuff like hello. Its inaporopiate.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Where is the post this is crazy!!


  102. This is rediculas ms.butler said she would post it.

  103. Ms.Butler is not going to post.GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. I would be banished from the puritains becuase I would a dissenter.I would go thinking it will change the law and I could practice what I want, but it tuned out it was the same. It would not be fair! So I say I would be a dissenter.


  105. guys have u seen that stttttuuuuuddddyyyy guide its about 1,ooo pages long anyway ms butler how do u print off of here


  106. You print it by pasting it on micosoft word then you print it Yanni and yes it is about 1,000 pages long.


  107. ms.butler you didnt put anthing on the blog... So do you want us to try to study anything eles... :) *JORDAN MCLEAN*
