Thursday, December 2, 2010

Homework: Are You A Pilgrim or a Puritan?

We have been studying the development of Colonial America in Social Studies and have recently learned to identify the similarities and differences between Pilgrims and Puritans and the Church of England.  Consider if you will...Are their laws or rules that you are forced/asked to follow, that you don't neccessarily agree with or think are fair?  Consider the rules at home, the rules at school and laws of our counrtry or another?  After cosideration...Ask yourself...Am I a Pilgrim (I want to leave) or a Puritan (I want to make it better)...Am I so against these rules that I would become a dissenter? Or maybe its best I just stay quiet and follow the rules so that I am not banished...Think on this Fabulous Fourth Graders and discuss...

Ms. Butler


  1. Ms.Butler can we do the homework in class tomarow. I have to go right now.


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  3. We have been studying the development of Colonial America in Social Studies and have recently learned to identify the similarities and differences between Pilgrims and Puritans and the Church of England. Consider if you will...Are their laws or rules that you are forced/asked to follow, that you don't neccessarily agree with or think are fair? Consider the rules at home, the rules at school and laws of our counrtry or another? After cosideration...Ask yourself...Am I a Pilgrim (I want to leave) or a Puritan (I want to make it better)...Am I so against these rules that I would become a dissenter? Or maybe its best I just stay quiet and follow the rules so that I am not banished...Think on this Fabulous Fourth Graders and discuss...

    Ms. Butler

  4. I would be a Puritan because alot of times my parents get me in trouble and when my brother does something bad, nothing happens, he just gets a warning. I don't get any warnings!!! Sometimes they don't even see my brother do things to me! It's just not fair!So I would change that I want my mom and dad to pay atention to what Jack and I do!

  5. The one above is from Carly.

  6. I would like to be a pilgrim. I would like to be a pilgrim because I too would want to have freedom from the Puritan's religion.


  7. I would be a pilgrim because I would want to have freedom and to have the right to be a difrent relgion.

  8. i think i am a puritan becuase i would leave if people would be taking over my country i wopuld make another one better say there was a state called webber and people were taking over i would make it better by making a webber city and everyone would be treated fairly


  9. if i was a pilgim or a putain i think that i would have to pick pigim. Why did i choose pilgrm eacuse i think that it would give me beeter chance of living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jordan:p

  10. I would like to be a Pilgrim becauce I would want to be FREE from a cruel religion.The Puritans had a cruel society and goverment and state aren't seperated.The Pilgrims haave a nice peaceful society and you can also have What ever religion you want or how you worship.So thats why I would want to be a Pilgrim.

  11. Murphy's is where the arrows points ^^^^^^^^^

  12. I would like to be a pilgrim. If I was a Puritan it would be like their in slavery. I wouldn't do that!! I would be glad if were banished i would have freedom!!! Because I hate thier religion.


  13. I would want to be a Puritan because I still like Christain but I would like to make a few changes to the religion. Like I think that there should only be the New Testament and Jueish can use the Old Testament.


  14. I think that I would want to be a pilgrim because I would like to move to have freedom in religon and have it my own way but then again it does just end up like they were in England so nothing really changed.


  15. I think I would want to be a puritan, because I Would like to stay but and change. Why? Because I still like my religion that I am but I would like to make a couple changes. LIke the jewish people only belive in a sertain testamate so the christan can have the other.

  16. We have been studying the development of Colonial America in Social Studies and have recently learned to identify the similarities and differences between Pilgrims and Puritans and the Church of England. Consider if you will...Are their laws or rules that you are forced/asked to follow, that you don't neccessarily agree with or think are fair? Consider the rules at home, the rules at school and laws of our counrtry or another? After cosideration...Ask yourself...Am I a Pilgrim (I want to leave) or a Puritan (I want to make it better)...Am I so against these rules that I would become a dissenter? Or maybe its best I just stay quiet and follow the rules so that I am not banished...Think on this Fabulous Fourth Graders and discuss...

    Ms. Butler

  17. I would become a puritan because I would want to make the rules better.


  18. Hey Ms.Butler! I am getting really confused with the Southern Colonies. I am confused because everything is different like the goverment and the land. I was just wondering if we (one on one) can do this tomorrow so I can get it a little better. Thanks.

    I really don't get the homework post. But i wold change the law up a little so I would be a puritan.

    Also, I don't have three resources to work on the expositary writing assignment. Because my libary was closed and I was supposed to going on Tuesday or Thursday but I didn't go. So I only have the internet and the Social Studies Text Book to help with it. How are we suppused to do the rough draft, I need one on one time with you also at that.

    Thanks for your time!! I hope you have a great weekend! I hope we can do one on one together tomorrow morning.

    -Sana'a G.

  19. I would want to change the rules a little bit so I would be puritan.


  20. I would change some of my parents rules but every thing else is awsome!


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